The reason I think that Mother nature refers to actual trees and beauty is because earth's nature is natural, usually created by earth itself. Buildings and landmarks are mostly man-made, nature or earth did not make them. I think he is really standing outside of a private residential house where the owner strongly appreciates privacy mostly because in the verse he says, "So I jumped the fence and yelled at the house."
If the sign says you'll be shot if your seen in sight do you think do you think it is governmental? Or a private estate? If they'll be shot it must be something important!
I don't think that it is a governmental estate but more of a private estate because of when he says "... and yelled at the house." I feel it is more a private estate because most governmental estates aren't referred to as houses. I'm not sure if, they'll be shot, refers to something important rather it just shows the craziness of some private home owners. I think that crazy is from people's fear of being robbed or their property tampered with.
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